Friday 4 December 2015


I've had this blog for over a year and I've been posting and deleting posts all the time because I still haven't decided what I want this blog to be about. So I'll just probably start (for like a millionth time) with everyday things like what I eat in a day and what I've been up to and just boring stuff that maybe one day could be interesting.

So... what I ate today:
 For breakfast I had a toast with honey - I usually have it with peanut butter but it seems that I have a nut allergy which sucks as I love nuts. My next 'meal' was actually a little snack at school, I had Oreos and an apple. For lunch I ordered pizza with tomato base, cheese and spinach. And for dinner I ate two cucumbers with soy yoghurt and I finished my pizza from earlier.
 It may seem like my 'diet' is bad and I don't get all the nutrients I need - I know. I usually eat enough of everything, but I haven't been feeling well this past week and I didn't have time to cook proper meals. And also I usually eat more vegan (most of my meals are usually vegan, this week was an exception). Why am I not fully vegan? My parents won't let me. I was really happy when they let me be vegetarian- i can't wait for the day I turn 18.
 Another amazing thing is that I found a vegan version of nutella and there is a nut-free option as well!

What I've done today:
 I woke up and went to school, I got some good grades (not usual) and then I walked home. I ordered pizza and watched vlogmas. I prepared gingerbread cookie dough to bake either tomorrow or the day after. I also put some black beans and chickpeas to a pot of water to soak overnight. I cleaned the kitchen because it was really messy. And that is it.

It's amazing if you kept on reading until this point. Thanks. :)

Monday 19 October 2015


It's not like I'm alive, it's just waiting for the day to be over. Everyday. No motivation, almost no feelings, carelessness, procrastination, avoiding people and social situations. Did school make me this way? By having a bad school system that bores me and I want to get through it as fast as I can because I don't enjoy it, did that happen to my life? Am I not enjoying it anymore? I have some dreams and hopes for the future but I guess my hopes are so high, I'll never get to touch them. And people remind me of that every day, that I'm not good enough, or that I shouldn't have expectations because I will end up disappointed. But after all those hopes and expectations are usually what gets me through the day. Even though I feel sad about knowing that my dreams won't probably come true and if they will, it won't be easy at all. But life isn't supposed to be easy, It's supposed to be exciting and mostly fun.
Maybe it will get better one day. Now I just have to get through the day.